Class discussion more than once has converged around the topic of tech-sector growth, since it is both lightweight on the investment side, and an area that the Philippines might have a comparative advantage (//via education + English). Attempting to investigate the possibility for continued FDI growth in the ICT (information and communication technology) sector, I discovered that EIU keeps track of some interesting and relevant indicators. I pulled all the available data for the Philippines, formatting the green (% growth pa) series on the right Y axis. Though prima facie it seems that the mind-boggling growth has already come and gone in the 1990s, it is worth noting that (1) an upward-leaning trend seems to begin at the 2005 trough & (2) 6-7% pa business growth is actually remarkable!
Lastly, I located an interesting report (FDI people READ THIS!) from the Business Processing Association of the Philippines (BPAP), which in 2007 set the "aspirational" goal of 10% ICT market share stake by 2010. Well, its 2010, and I can't find ICT market share data. I'll continue to look. If you keep it under your pillow, please fax it over.
Super interesting, Justin; thanks for the post. This was exactly the issue I had in mind when I wrote my post over the weekend. Are developments like Megaworld's McKinley Hill Cyberpark capable of delivering economic growth with poverty reduction? Or just economic growth whose main beneficiary is the country's middle-class?