Monday, February 1, 2010

KYLA WALL-POLIN (IEDP Participant Profile)

Today marks the start of introducing our IEDP class members! Composed of 25 interesting individuals, we hope that these profiles give you a more personal connection to the IEDP Program.

Our 1st profile is on Kyla Wall-Polin:

IEDP Policy Team: Human Rights
Year/Program: 2nd year/MPP
Area of focus/concentration: International Development
Home State/Country: California & Illinois
Interests: sleeping, knitting, languages, traveling, natural history
What excites me most about PH: seeing someplace new, having the opportunity to learn about a country and its development concerns in depth.
Will you try balut in PH? No, I'm a vegetarian.


  1. Why didn't you use the picture I submitted, Kristine? I think it's much more flattering than this one.

  2. it was a monkey!! and not even the tarsier.
